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Getting Started with Meatless Monday

Simple steps to starting a Meatless Monday practice for anyone who's not sure where to begin.

Participating in Meatless Monday allows you to enjoy a range of foods you love while making your meals healthier and better for the planet. The concept is straightforward: “cut out the meat, one day a week.” The simple act of eating plant-based foods in place of meat on Monday can help change your life for the better.  

Research shows that consuming less red and processed meat and more plant-based foods can lower your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease, type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, and obesity. Individuals who eat a plant-based diet usually consume fewer overall calories, fewer calories from fat, and more fiber, potassium, and vitamin C.  

So, what’s the best way to get started? Follow the steps below and you’ll be well on your way to a healthier lifestyle.  

Top resons to go Meatless Monday

Set a Weekly Reminder 
Consistency is key to maintaining healthy habits. Set a calendar reminder on your phone or attach a note to your refrigerator door. Consider setting a reminder on Sunday so you have an extra day to prepare.  

Learn the Lingo 
Vegetarian, vegan, plant-based, meat-free … there are a lot of terms out there and they’re easy to confuse. A lot of these phrases mean the same thing, but to put it simply: if a food is vegan or plant-based, then it contains no meat or animal products (dairy, eggs, etc.). If a food is vegetarian or meat-free, then it contains no meat, but still may have dairy or eggs. Any category of meatless meal works for Meatless Monday. The choices are up to you. 

Stock Your Pantry, Fridge, and Freezer 
With the right ingredients, you can make dozens of different meat-free meals. Dried pastas, canned beans, dried lentils, vegetable broth, nuts, seeds, spices, grains (brown rice, quinoa, farro), polenta, and sauces like tahini, hot sauce, soy sauce, and barbecue sauce are all excellent ingredients to have on hand. Frozen fruits and vegetables are also convenient and can easily be tossed into soups, stews, and casseroles or transformed into quick side dishes. And don’t forget about frozen veggie burgers and nuggets!  

Make a Meal Plan 
Planning meals in advance will help you organize your shopping trips and reduce the stress of having to come up with a week’s worth of meals on the fly. Also, with a properly stocked pantry you can make a number of breakfasts, lunches, and dinners with limited ingredients. If you need some inspiration before getting started, check out the Meatless Monday six-week meal plan. 

Focus on Familiar Foods 
If you’re new to plant-based eating, focus on the dishes you already love. You can recreate nearly every classic comfort food — nuggets, mac and cheese, wings, burgers, shepherd’s pie, crab cakes, ice cream, spaghetti and meatballs, lasagna, meat loaf, tacos — using only plant-based ingredients. 

Involve Family and Friends  
Having family and friends participate in Meatless Monday will help keep you committed and accountable. It’s also more fun. Text groups, recipe swaps, and plant-based dinner parties are great ways to get everyone involved.