Encouraging Employee Wellness in Akron, Ohio

Ashley Krul at Summa Health promotes Meatless Monday to 2,000 employees, using curated content and challenges to boost engagement.

Encouraging employee wellness in Akron, Ohio

Ashley Krul is the program coordinator for employee wellness at Summa Health, a hospital system in Akron, Ohio. Her introduction to the Meatless Monday initiative began in 2015 during a meeting with other wellness coordinators and directors. Since then, she has successfully implemented the campaign in her workplace and received positive feedback.  

At the start of every week, she forwards Meatless Monday emails to employees who have expressed interest in learning more about workplace wellness. Having a reliable and accurate source of curated content allows her to reach 2,000 employees quickly and efficiently. They appreciate how simple and digestible the resources are, especially those pertaining to stress management and cooking tips for vegetable dishes.  

She uses Meatless Monday tips for various challenges employees are encouraged to participate in, one of the most popular of which lasts for seven weeks with the goal of weight maintenance during the winter holidays. She is always looking to garner wider campaign participation among employees and hopes to continue promoting overall wellness, by connecting positive dietary changes to other topics such as mindfulness or sleep.