Sample launch email: Colleges and Universities

A sample email to announce the launch of a new Meatless Monday program or promotion

Meatless Monday: good for people, good for the planet.  

We’re excited to announce the launch of Meatless Monday at ({ADD YOUR COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY NAME) }. Students will learn about the benefits of eating plant-based foods and be introduced to more meat-free meals and recipe ideas.   

[ADD specific details of your program here] 

[ADD Meatless Monday menu link, if available here] 

Why Meatless Monday? 
Eating more plant-based foods and less processed meat is an easy way for individuals to support personal wellness, fight climate change, and protect the planet for future generations. 

Learn more: 
Check out this Meatless Monday video and follow us on social media at @MeatlessMonday for more inspiration.